Elizabeth Berg has that knack. In her novel The Art of Mending, Berg tells of three siblings putting their lives temporarily on hold for their annual family reunion at their parents' home. The siblings' plans include going to the county fair being held while they are in town.
Laura Bartone, her husband, and children come to the family reunion hesitantly; Laura knows she will have to deal with her sister, Caroline, the family's black sheep, as well as their brother, Steve, who would rather not deal with whatever is bothering Caroline. But staying home and avoiding the reunion is not an option.
While visiting, their father is hospitalized for what is thought to be a short stay. It is while the siblings are in the waiting room, taking turns to see their father, that Caroline lets on that she has a secret that she needs to unload on Laura and Steve. The three meet outside of the hospital, without any extended family, to hear what Caroline has to say. The secret is explosive, causing Laura and Steve to question everything they remember from their childhood.
On top of the secret, the entire family must deal with the unexpected loss of their father.
Back at her own house, Laura questions the validity of Caroline's story. But when their mother comes to stay with Laura and her family, Laura goes digging for the truth. In the end, she learns from her mother that the secrets revealed were, indeed, true, and forgiveness and healing can begin.
Seemingly slowly meandering, this novel is actually fairly fast-paced and while the surface waters seem calm, the undercurrent is swift and truthful. This book is a must-read for both fans of Elizabeth Berg and for anyone who likes reading about the reality of family life.
Read more at https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/128289.The_Art_of_Mending.